11 October 2009

20 Weeks...

Half way there! Wow pregnancy it is still surreal. A baby human is growing inside me. We had our 20 week ultra sound and looks like he is developing as they say "normal". Which is good! I'm feeling better (finally!). I had major, major nausea and unlike most ideas of being pregnant, and enjoying eating away, food just hasn't been my favorite part of the day. I think the strangest symptom of pregnancy has been an acute sense of smell. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. But eating is getting better and my belly is getting bigger.

Today I had my first stranger ask me when I was due so I guess I am passing the April's putting on some weight vs. pregnant mark. Below is my favorite ultra sound photo......a little hand. I have felt slight movement but still waiting for the first real kick. He's growing!

p.s. Just as I am writing this I am feeling someone knocking from inside my belly. He knows I'm writing about him.


Jeanne said...

Oh, so lovely to see the growing person inside. I wish you lots of health and only pleasant odors!

Angela said...

Hello I am waiting to adopt from Kyrg and have been following your blog. Congratulations on your pregnancy.


Jackie said...

Oh, how beautiful, April. So happy for you and glad you are feeling better.
