25 February 2008

She... did it!

Over 5 years ago a little girl name Aliya crawled up on my lap at my mom's house in Washington DC. Aliya was adopted from Kazakhstan. Aliya looked at me first very seriously looking at my face and then laughed. What are you laughing at I said. She said simply,"Hey we look alike."

I knew right then and there that you bond as close with an adopted child.

She was the one who planted the seed. The seed to adoption, the seed to Central Asia. Cheers to Aliya!

She...did it.......and them too!

Some of our friends kids + our nieces & nephews:
Jacobi, Anu, Kaelen, Zane, Anais, Corinna, Owen, Sophia, & Kizuki


Suzanne said...

Thanks for the link to the photo book of Kyrgyzstan, April! I just ordered one. Only I ordered mine from Amazon, 'cause I'm fresh out of Italian lire! There's also one on Amazon called. "Kyrgyzstan (Cultures of the World)" by David C. King. Ordered that one, too, while I was at it.


Elaine Vaughan said...

Hi she...he...me,

Anu beamed yesterday when she said, "I'm so excited to have another adopted member of our family." She's already sooo bonded with baby o.
