31 January 2011

My first trip away from Andosan / Pub Crawl

Last week I went on my first business trip away from Ando to Tucson to the big gem show that they have once a year. I did pretty well but I kept thinking....I wonder where he thinks I went.
His Papa kept sending me videos so that was helpful. It was only for three nights but it felt like a long week.

I returned to a happy well adjusted boy. Seems like he missed me but doesn't seem clingy just happy to see me. Now there's my Andosan, rolling along with life.

See what he and Papa did while I was away......a little pub crawling. YIKES!

Ando's Crawling!!!

So guess who's crawling....?
"Who me?"

These photos were taken at Christmas and he was in the pre-crawl stage then. Now he crawling like a little SUV. Up and over everything. So just for the record, Ando crawled at 10 months.

Here is a video of him in his early stages. I also like the video because you can hear him say "mama!" I'll post another video of him in full crawl~ next! It was amazing how quickly he caught onto crawling. And now there is no turning back.

02 January 2011

Happy New Year!

We spent New Year's Day with friends at Muir Beach.....so much to say about the holidays! I feel blessed to have brought Ando into the world. To have a loving husband to raise him with. Dear friends who I love and are part of our community. Family which gathers at our place to celebrate everything dear!

Eric and I celebrated our 4th anniversary on the Winter Solstice this year! And this January marks 10 years of being together. Which is the real number of years we've been together.

And because I didn't post this earlier....this was our holiday card for 2010. Yes I know I got two holidays out of this photo. He looks so small in this photo. Tomorrow marks Ando's 10 month birthday!