More photos: Halloween 2011, a set on Flickr.
+ more here from the likes of the dandelion named Uli.
We have this little game before bedtime. Ando brushes his teeth and then he knows it's almost bedtime. After he runs and jumps up on the bed and I chase him and pull him down and tickle him. He loves it! Just the phrase..."I'm going to get you..." gets him running and laughing hysterically. We both laugh and laugh every night before sleep. It's our little ritual.
Now that Ando is more active I take him to the park more often. There is a little school by our house on 8th Street that we can walk too. He is not so active but likes to be pushed in the swing or put his hands through the holes on the play ground equipment and laughs and laughs when I grab his finger. The other day he was laughing so hard that all the other kids had to come see what was so funny. He loves to play in the sand. And if there is anything mechanical to do he can sit for 10 minutes and just move something around. He has learned to go down the slide but is still cautious and likes mom to hold his hands. When he goes down the slide himself he turns around and goes down on his tummy feet first and closes his eyes.