22 June 2011

Our Favorite Places (05.14.11)

Even before Ando was in the womb his Papa and I have always enjoyed walking at the Berkeley Marina. Sometimes we even go there 5-6 days a week in the morning. It's such a special place I think Ando will enjoy this park as he grows up.

Here is just a glimpse at one of those special days.

Ando is walking in this video but he is only on day 4 of his free walking still grabs my hand when I am near. Every day he get's a little braver.

Since I am actually writing this in the future of day 4, I will share that in a week or so the story goes....

Ando and I are walking home from 4th Street with Papa. Papa is in a hurry and goes back to the house with the stroller. Ando and I have one block to walk. ONE LONG BLOCK with a toddler. Ando holds my hand and seems to stop every 2-3 steps to look at something walking only when he can hold one of my hands. Finally.... we are at the gallery door. A big black Labrador comes walking by heading in the direction we just came from. Ando loves dogs and just takes off down the sidewalk by himself. He forgets he is not holding my hand. The dog comes with a little two year old girl. And she runs up to Ando and hugs him and holds his hand off and on. At this point Ando has still not looked back for Mom. He continues to walk down the block laughing and following the dog. The little girl seems to stabilize him now and then. I am laughing teary eyed behind him. Ando has now officially walked and has the courage to do it by himself. From here on out, Ando is on his way! I could tell he felt so free and happy.

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